Selasa, 13 Mei 2014


Adhyta Satya Widyananda


The hydrologig cycle. A movement which includes circulating water from the ocean into the atmosphere , from the atmosphere to the ground , and back out to sea again or by other means hydrological cycle is a series of Earth's surface water migration process from one place to another to get back to its original place .

in my opinion the most important role in the water cycle is the sun . with the sun can help punguapan water up into the air from the sea or from the land surface through evaporas with the help of the sun . Water in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor or clouds moving in great masses over the continent and the ground is heated by radiation . Hot make more water vapor rose again so high / cold condensation to occur . Water vapor turns into dew and so on so rain or snow . Expended ( precipitation ) down to the bottom , to the land or directly into the sea . Water arriving on the mainland and then flows over the surface of the river , kept returning to the sea . Water arriving on the mainland and then flows over the surface of the river , hold back the sea to complete the water cycle

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